Style to Style Persuader


Persuader to Controller

Like Persuaders, Controllers enjoy making quick decisions. While you will find this easy to work with, you will not share the same level of enthusiasm about the decision. In fact, the Controller will likely find your enthusiasm annoying and a bit aggrandizing. For this reason, it’s best to tone down your demonstrative tendency and reduce the amount of emotion you verbally express. Controllers will take your figurative speech literally, which will confuse and frustrate them. It’s helpful to make sure you are more factual than figurative. There is little reason to make small talk with Controllers before beginning a conversation about a task. Also, reduce the number of personal confidences you like to share. Controllers tend to feel uncomfortable with that level of personal transparency in the workplace.

Persuader to Persuader

Persuaders prefer to be expedient and relational so conversations between two Persuaders are typically animated and charged with high energy. This creates an easy path to side-tracking the conversation, so stay focused. Both Persuaders have a need to be liked and to express thoughts and feelings, so it’s important to defer some of your verbal energy and provide plenty of time for them to talk and “have the stage”. Persuaders appreciate it when someone shares in the excitement they feel about something, so make sure you express enthusiasm for their ideas as much as your own.

Persuader to Stabilizer

Stabilizers and Persuaders are both relational, so it is typical for their conversations to be sprinkled with expressions of emotions and feelings. Due to their desire for harmony and their uncomfortableness with too much attention, Stabilizers will quickly make room for your tendency to enjoy the limelight. However, do not assume they do not want to share their thoughts and opinions. Ask questions and then listen attentively to what they say. Your expedient tendency can be uncomfortable for Stabilizers, so it’s helpful to avoid pushing them to make decisions quickly. In addition, Persuaders will often quickly bounce from topic to topic, which can be frustrating for Stabilizers, so try and reduce this tendency by staying on topic until you know they are ready to move on to the next thing.

Persuader to Analyzer

In terms of Behavior Styles, Persuaders and Analyzers are opposites. Analyzers do not share your verbally expressive, enthusiastic or expedient behavior tendencies. For this reason, it is important to lower your level of energy and enthusiasm, reduce the number of words you use to express yourself, and ask for their thoughts (not their feelings) about the task. Persuaders tend to make intuitive decisions; Analyzers tend to make fact and research-based decisions. Logic is very important to them. Recognize they will not respect your statements and conclusions unless they are supported by data. Analyzers appreciate it when you give them the details on a task before asking them to take action and to give them time to review data before making decisions.

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