Why choose the Effectiveness Institute and their core program, “Understanding Behavior Styles” (UBS), for facilitating leadership work?
Approximately eight years ago, during my transition from the role of VP of HR (APAC) for a major global hotel company to becoming the principal of my own company, Ghielmetti & Associates Inc., I first heard about the Effectiveness Institute (EI). The Chief People & Culture Officer of my former company recommended the institute, emphasizing their deep understanding of the four-quadrant, behavior style model. I was advised to learn this material as it would greatly benefit my facilitation of teams in a meaningful and enjoyable way. Intrigued, I embarked on learning the “People Skills” (i.e., Behavior Styles) program.
Learning behavior styles was one aspect but acquiring the skills to effectively facilitate the program proved to be quite different. As someone whose behavioral style preference does not align with the “Analyzer” archetype, studying the material demanded considerable energy. Nonetheless, I dedicated myself to mastering the art of facilitating the content, and over the past eight years, I’ve had the privilege of applying this work and training numerous teams across the globe.
The impact that this work has on teams is truly astonishing. Once participants understand their own behavior style preference, they gain valuable insights into the influence it has on others. Equally important, they gain an understanding of how they can adapt their behavior style to optimize partnerships. This shift is entirely within their control and a matter of choice.
When I facilitate this program, I witness profound “lightbulb” moments occurring within individuals and teams within the first two hours, without fail. Epiphanies take place, fundamentally transforming how teams connect. This newfound connection fosters stronger team cohesion, leading to enhanced effectiveness and the generation of previously unexplored partnerships and results.
Furthermore, my extensive familiarity with the material now allows me to incorporate various tools and adapt them to specific situations and environments. This flexibility aligns perfectly with my behavior style preference as a “Persuader,” energizing me in the process.
The Effectiveness Institute has developed an impactful leadership program that truly hits the mark. Its ability to create lasting change and enable individuals and teams to achieve their full potential is a testament to its effectiveness.

Patrick Ghielmetti has experience in 35 countries as a facilitator of dynamic, transformational, experiential leadership programs and as a behavior-based executive coach.
Read more about Patrick here.