What’s your superpower? If you ask that question during an exercise that focuses on leveraging differences to build stronger and more effective teams, you’ll find the answers are as diverse as the individuals within the organization.
Differences can be one of those topics that many organizational leaders are wary of exploring. When differences are highlighted, leaders often worry about saying the wrong thing or responding in an offensive way. But what happens when you stop looking at differences as a source of conflict and instead view them as a superpower? When you can tap into the backgrounds, experiences, knowledge, and perspectives of individuals, you find powerful assets — when you know how to leverage them properly.
Dr. Carrie Spell-Hansson, Founder of The Folke Institute, is someone whose life’s work has been committed to celebrating differences and supporting organizations, teams, and individuals to thrive. As a Certified Delivery Expert for Effectiveness Institute, Dr. Spell-Hansson is keenly aware of how Behavior Styles are one of the differences that can be leveraged to build a more effective team. “Each Style can be thought of as having a superpower that is essential for success.” Her work focuses on the topic of Leveraging Differences as well as Leadership Development, Change Management, Organizational Development, Strategic Planning, and Multicultural Team Development.
“It only took a few minutes after being introduced to Carrie to know that she was someone I wanted to partner with,” says George Myers, President of the Effectiveness Institute, “I’m excited about the ability to bring a different level of depth to what we do for our clients.”
Effectiveness Institute and The Folke Institute have the same foundational core mission of supporting organizations and individuals to connect, communicate, understand, and relate to others in a way that builds respect, integrity, and dignity. “Together, we help others understand behaviors,” says Dr. Carrie Spell-Hansson, “we recognize differences and give space to those differences. As a result, our clients experience life-changing moments.”
Listen in as Dr. Carrie Spell-Hansson and George Myers share their thoughts on leveraging differences, supporting organizations and teams, and their partnership in this live stream conversation.

Carrie is a global expert on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging; and a leading trainer and coach in personal and organizational effectiveness, specifically as it relates to women’s issues.
Read more about Carrie here.